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Tapas: a flavourful journey through Spain


Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Spain, a country associated with sun, sand and a passionate way of life, is a place I am happy to leave and never want to cut ties with, even though I spend most of my time in Sweden.

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Testing Christmas beer - and Christmas food in a new way


Is Christmas already here? No, not quite yet, but autumn is here and last week we were invited to Spendrups to test Christmas beer. We also got to try Christmas food in a new way, which was both delicious and exciting. Here we offer inspiration for Christmas drinks and food.

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Christmas sweets and biscuits in different countries - a sweet round trip


Today we are going to talk about Christmas sweets and cakes in different countries. What sweets are eaten in other countries as Christmas approaches? Join us on a sugary journey around the world!

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Sthlm Food & Wine and Everything for Health - two fairs


The "Sthlm Food & Wine" and "Allt för hälsan" fairs are currently taking place at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö outside Stockholm. We checked out the fairs on Friday, and there is still a chance to visit them throughout the weekend.

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25 facts about lobster - did you know this?


Do you know these facts about lobster? Eating lobster is becoming more and more popular, especially at parties, holidays and seafood restaurants. Did you know this about lobster?

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25 facts about crayfish - did you know this?


Do you know these facts about crayfish? It's crayfish season and Swedes are stocking up on these dark red (or light pink) delicacies around the country. We have gathered a lot of exciting information about crayfish. Did you know this?

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Crayfish in Sweden - when, what and why?


Crayfish in Sweden - it's an important and beloved tradition, isn't it? But when is the right time for the feast, what can be served and why on earth do we do it the way we do? We've delved into yet another exciting Swedish tradition.

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Brussels sprouts facts - 15 things you (might) not know


Writer: Helena Bergström

Interesting facts about Brussels sprouts! We love this flavourful and vitamin-rich little vegetable, so today we're digging into some facts. Do you like Brussels sprouts? If so, do you have a favourite recipe?

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Non-alcoholic beer - test of 14 different varieties


Non-alcoholic beer can be a good option if you like beer but want to cut down on alcohol for one reason or another. During this motorhome trip, we've been drinking almost exclusively non-alcoholic drinks - both beer and wine - and here's our test of non-alcoholic beer.

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25 Facts about eggs - nutrition, traditions and clever tricks


Interesting facts about eggs! Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We can't answer that, but we've gathered some other interesting facts about this superfood.

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