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15 facts about semlor + semmel trends and semmel tests


Semlor are tasty pastries to be eaten on and around Fat Tuesday. But what do you really know about them? We offer 15 interesting facts about semlor as well as semlor trends and semlor tests. Because yes, we have tested some of Stockholm's hottest buns!

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Facts about Switzerland - 30 things you (might) not have known


Facts about Switzerland and 30 things you (maybe) didn't know about the country. In Switzerland you can rent a cow and during that time you can enjoy all the cheese made from its milk. Switzerland has more banks than dentists, Switzerland is not in the EU and was not in the world wars, and the capital of Switzerland is Bern. The country that is beautiful just everywhere... Join us!

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10 facts about gin - plus recipes and tips


Facts about gin - and some recipes to boot. That's what we're offering this Saturday! Gin is an old, juniper-flavoured spirit that has become trendy in recent years. We like both Dry Martini and mixing with Tonic, and last Christmas we bought a bottle of Swedish Hernö. Now we've done some research too!

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Facts about Belgium - 30 things you (maybe) didn't know ...


Today we present facts about Belgium! Belgium is a flat country (the highest peak is 694 metres above sea level) called Botrange signal) that not everyone knows much about. Belgium has perhaps the most castles in the world per square kilometre and many cities feel like medieval worlds with spires and towers. Both the EU and NATO are located in Brussels, Belgians love waffles and chocolate, and the beer is bad... Here we go!

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Oysters - how to open them, tips and facts


Oysters are an exclusive delicacy with a taste of the sea. But how do you actually open them? And what is the best way to serve them? We offer tips and some interesting facts about oysters.

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25 facts about reindeer - beautiful animals in the mountains


Do you know these facts about reindeer? The reindeer is an animal with a long tradition in our country, and at Christmas time, you can perhaps also hope to see Santa's reindeer. But do you know how reindeer find food in winter and what makes them different from all other deer?

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Facts about dates - 15 things you (perhaps) didn't know


Facts about dates! Do you know what date palms look like, when fresh dates are in season or how the fresh and dried fruit is usually eaten? We made bacon-wrapped dates a few days ago, and now we're getting into exciting date facts!

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Facts about France - 30 things you (might) not have known


Here are the facts about France - 30 things you (maybe) didn't know. We have travelled around France for a total of 4 months and visited many different places, especially along the beautiful coasts. France is one of our absolute favourite countries in the world, facing both the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Mediterranean Sea in the south.

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25 facts about Dala horses - a symbol of Sweden


Do you know these facts about Dala horses? The Dala horse is a symbol of Sweden that we all know. But do you know how they came to be, why they were once considered "the devil's toy" or where you can find the world's largest Dala horse?

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25 facts about moose - king of the forest


Do you know these facts about moose? The king of the forest, as the moose is sometimes called, is truly powerful when encountered in the wild. But do you know how big they can get, why there are white moose and how hunters judge their moose trophies?

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