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New electric lorry, dockless bike sharing and cheap airline tickets!

It's time for travel news! This week we tell you about a new electric truck from Tesla, stationless bike sharing and the best ways to find cheap airline tickets. Among other things. You might conclude that technology is advancing and the sharing economy is here to stay, or what do you think when you read this week's travel news?

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News from FinnAir - at the Turkish baths

Yesterday morning Peter attended a press breakfast with Finnair at the Turkish baths at Sturebadet in Stockholm. Breakfast and news from Finnair were served, but there was no bathing ritual.

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Ships with movable glass verandas - and terrorist attacks affect less

This week we can tell you about Celebrity Cruise's new ship with a moving glass veranda, and how terrorist attacks no longer affect our travelling habits so much. We also report on new SAS destinations and reveal which celebrities Swedes would most like to spend their holidays with.

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Autumn's rising star and the world's largest cruise ship

We have several exciting things left to tell you about after weekend caravan tripBut first, travel news. Today we can tell you about this autumn's hot new destinations to warmer latitudes and about the ship that will soon take over the title of the world's largest cruise ship. We also tell you about a new direct flight from Norrland to Spain.

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Hottest weekend trips and best theme parks

This weekend has been really intense and full of unexpected events. We have a lot to blog about I can say! But before that: FREEDOMtravel News. From this week's crop of press releases, we can tell you about this autumn's hottest weekend getaways and the best theme parks in Europe.

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Design award, caravan tax and beauty tips

Finally, Monday and "FREEDOMtravel News". Right? Seriously, what do you think of our travel news on Mondays? We're inundated with press releases every week and enjoy sorting and highlighting the most interesting ones.

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2-storey caravan, cheap airlines and driverless planes

Now we're back at home and it's business as usual on Mondays. FREEDOMtravel News. It's really fun to go through the harvest of press releases and see what's been happening in the travel and camping world lately. Today we can report on Kabe's new 2-storey caravan, which airlines are the cheapest, etc. actually and the future of aviation - will it be driverless?

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Deck chairs, a record for the Öresund Bridge and the world's worst airports.

Today we are travelling to Switzerland for five days of Alpine air, nature experiences and local Swiss food. It will be very exciting, so keep an eye out for our first report tomorrow morning! So far, we don't have anything interesting to tell you about the trip, so we're doing travel news as usual on Mondays. This week, we can tell you what Swedes prefer to read in their deckchairs, that the Öresund Bridge has set a traffic record and about the world's worst airports.

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8 questions about travelling

A while ago, blogger Towe, with the travel blog Come fly with meto 8 questions about travelling. She had been inspired by SvD, which every Sunday asks these questions to well-known company profiles under the heading "Business Traveller". Now we were also keen to answer! Do you have your own blog? Feel free to join in and answer too! If you don't have a blog, feel free to write your answers in the comments section.

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How to go on a skiing holiday in Austria!

What do you do when you want to go on a skiing holiday in Austria, and how much does it cost? We're not exactly experts in this field, as we've only skied in the Alps once, but it's still fresh in our minds. So we take the opportunity to share our experiences here.

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