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Where can caravans be parked?

Where can motorhomes be parked? The debate about where motorhomes can be parked has been heated this summer. The fact that motorhome owners are spending the night in car parks is causing campsite owners to see red and now the "motorhome war is escalating".

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Parking or camping?

Every now and then you hear that you are not allowed to camp here or there, and then of course the question of definition arises: What is camping? As far as I know, you can fall asleep for a while in your parked car. So what determines when it is camping? The number of hours you sleep? Whether you sleep sitting or lying down? If you unfold the footboard?

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City camping in Linköping - and a party night

Now we have tried city camping in Linköping! After a nice visit to Sandvik's camping outside the city, it was instead city camping in a parking lot in the centre of Linköping. Then it was dinner and party night!

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Why caravanning?

We are home again, and everyday life is starting to take over. But of course we remember, and think, what is it that is so nice about motorhoming? But really, we probably already know. We have written it on the car: Freedom.

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Lago d'Iseo - Italy's most beautiful lake?

Sure, Lake Garda is beautiful, but Lago d'Iseo is almost even more beautiful! We drove there in the evening to find a campsite (which there are plenty around the lake), but they were all full! A German laughed and explained that he booked already in February ... We had no choice but to hitchhike. The first night was in a car park, and the second night was incredibly beautiful right on the lake.

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10 tips for city campers

We sometimes 'city camp', which means parking the campervan in the centre of a city and sleeping there. Sometimes we get questions like Can you do that? or Where do you stand? That's why we've gathered our experiences in the tips below. Do you go city camping? What are your experiences? Do you have more tips? Also, please tell us if you have ever citycamped abroad!

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Energy sources in the motorhome

Today's post is about energy sources in a motorhome. In a motorhome, you think more about where the energy comes from and how much you use than you do at home in an apartment. When we free camp, we can easily manage the essentials (heating, fridge, cooking) with LPG.

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Värmdö by motorhome

It was a trip to Värmdö! We stayed overnight at the ferry station where you can take the ferry from Värmdö to Rindö. We parked in a car park for "Café Lola's" guests. It would probably not go well during the high season, but now that everything was closed, we didn't disturb anyone ...

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Rules for free camping

We've been wondering for quite some time what the rules are for free camping in Sweden. That is, where can you spend the night in your motorhome and how long can you stay? Most people we've talked to have given different answers, but now it seems we've found what applies ...

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