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Merry Christmas! (and 8 favourites on the Christmas table)


We wish you a very Merry Christmas today! We hope you have a great Christmas Eve, whether you are at home or travelling, whether it is snowing, sunny or raining where you are, and whether you have company on this day or not.

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9 places associated with Lucia


With St Lucia fast approaching, we're telling you about nine places that are associated in different ways with the celebration of St Lucia. Join us on a journey from Sweden to the Caribbean!

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Christmas fruits - Aunt Anna's pineapple


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

No, these exotic fruits were not in the fruit bowl at the Nilsson family home in the 70s ... It was a festive moment when fruits and nuts were put in place for Christmas. Same procedure every year.

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Midsummer food - 15 classics & readers' favourites


Midsummer food, it's a big deal! Midsummer is an important holiday for us Swedes and the food we eat at this time of year is close to our hearts. We're listing 15 classics on the midsummer table, and we want your help! What are your favourites? What do you usually cook and serve during this festive season?

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13 dishes on the Christmas table - the history of Christmas food


Which dishes on the Christmas table are 'must haves' and which have outlived their usefulness? We take a look at some of the Christmas table classics and delve into the history of Christmas food. Why do we eat the way we do at Christmas in Sweden?

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3 simple and delicious casseroles with stir-fries


Is there anything better than small casseroles with stir-fries? They are often fairly easy to make and are great as an appetiser before a fancy dinner, or perhaps on the buffet table. Why not as a luxurious little snack on New Year's Eve?

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Facts about lussekatter - 12 things you (maybe) didn't know?


Interesting facts about lussekatter! We love lussekatter, and it's a tradition to eat these pastries during the Lucia season. Today we have dug into some facts. Do you like lussekatter? If so, when and how do you prefer to eat them?

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Christmas markets in Europe in 2023 - 12 tips


It's time for Christmas markets in Europe in 2023! Are you travelling somewhere in Europe or planning a trip? Here you can find some great Christmas markets in Europe in 2023.

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Christmas markets in Sweden in 2023 - 8 cosy markets with Christmas spirit


It's time for Christmas markets in Sweden in 2023! During this dark time, it can be really cosy to visit an illuminated market filled with delicacies, crafts and Christmas spirit. Here are some of the best Christmas markets in Sweden in 2023.

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Personalised Christmas greetings - making your own photo cards


Do you send Christmas cards or any other kind of Christmas greetings? We've become less adept at sending physical Christmas cards, but it's really nice. Especially when you can make personalised Christmas greetings!

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