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Construction chaos and sunshine


It's Sunday and we're building and building. The irony is that when you renovate to make it look nice, it gets so terribly messy in the meantime. Right now we have stuff just everywhere. But I'm sure it will be fine in the end!

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New wallpaper and new tiles in the kitchen


Now that we have heat in the boat, we can start focusing on some other things! We have wallpapered and started tiling in the kitchen. We've never been fond of white (even though we know you HAVE to like white), so the white walls are going away. We have wallpapered with a black and silver wallpaper with a high-rise motif.

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Insuring a houseboat


Insuring this boat and our accommodation has not been easy ... We have talked to so many insurance companies, and most of them laugh or reply that it is impossible to insure a houseboat. So far we have managed to take out insurance, but it has not been easy.

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Lighting in the houseboat


Now that the heat is working in the houseboat, we can relax a bit. There is less of a rush, less of a hunt. We have a thousand projects going on, but they take their time. One of the projects is the lighting project. We want LED lights. Preferably many, preferably a few here and there.

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The boiler room before and after


Now it's starting to look like something! Yesterday a plumber, two electricians, a carpenter (Peter) and a hobby painter (moi) worked in this little boiler room. Well, not all at the same time of course... What do you think of the result?

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New ideas for the kitchen


The kitchen was the room in the entire houseboat that was most prepared and most modern when we moved here. Many parts of the boat are original from the 1930s, but the kitchen was recently renovated. The previous owner had also chosen nice colours and nice appliances, we think.

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New interior design features


Everything we build in the houseboat takes time. First all the decisions to be made, then all the materials to be purchased... and then the labour. But slowly, slowly, we move forward. Here you can see some of the new interior details of the weekend.

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The washing machine is inside the houseboat


The washing machine salesman wondered how we would fit the machine in the car. In the car! That was the least of the problems, so to speak ... We had calculated that the washing machine would fit in the boiler room, but hadn't really thought about how to get it there.

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The misery continues in the boiler room


You wouldn't have thought that you could suffer more misery now, but lo and behold you did. This morning I woke up and went to the toilet and then I heard Peter shouting in panic from the bedroom on the lower deck: "Switch off the water!". Then our nice new sewage pump had broken ... again!

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It's unbelievable - without water and sewage again!


We worked a marathon yesterday evening and night to get all the old stuff out of the boiler room before the plumber and electrician would come, which meant that we were without water and sewage yesterday. This morning the electrician and plumber came to our houseboat.

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