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Renting out your home


Last night we had the prospective tenants, i.e. my colleague and her partner, over for dinner. We had a very nice evening, and of course, we had very much practical to deal with.

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We are homeowners - small houses on vacant land


What, have we got a house? No, but the tax authorities have just decided that houseboats are "small houses on unoccupied land". So now we are homeowners! And now the house will be taxed!

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Retrospective on houseboat construction


Now that the final inspection of the houseboat is completed, you can sit back and think "We did it!". But it has really been a journey! Here is a small picture suite from this summer's construction project...

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Final inspection of a houseboat


Today it was finally time for the final inspection of the houseboat. It has been hard work to rebuild the boat, but it has actually been tough with all the paperwork too!

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Living room in the houseboat before and after


We rebuilt our houseboat last summer. We repainted the hull, changed all the panelling, all the windows and doors and all the roof. But the biggest change was that we rebuilt the entire living room, which is the top part of the boat.

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Houseboat stability test - how it went


You may recall that we decided to do a stability test of the houseboat after the remodelling? But I think we forgot to tell you about the results ... It was a proper test that started when the boat was on land. A number of guys came here with measurement equipment, scanned the boat with a laser and got the two million measuring points, which was then entered into a computer programme.

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Windows with privacy protection


We have a large window in the bathroom with a nice view of the water - but of course it has also been just as good a view. in in the bathroom. So far we've used a curtain, but that's a bit boring. Now Peter has put up solar film on the windows, which he bought at Mekonomen and which is usually used for car windows.

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New arrivals in the houseboat


Then we have moved back into the houseboat, after ten weeks in the motorhome. There were 12 (!) moving boxes from the motorhome. Completely incomprehensible considering that we don't even move household goods with us ...

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The houseboat before and after


We've shown pictures of what our houseboat looks like now, and we know it's a bit hard to remember what it looked like before. Even we have trouble remembering! So here are two before and after pictures ...

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The houseboat back in the water


Today the houseboat has been lifted back into the water. I (Helena) thought it was so nervous that I couldn't even be at home, but luckily Peter was. Now it is back in its usual place at the jetty.

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