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Electric bikes and caravans at Elmia Husvagn Husbil 2018

It's time to show caravans at Elmia Husvagn Husbil 2018. We usually write more about motorhomes than caravans, but we saw some caravans that stood out and that we would like to show. We'll also say a few words about the electric bikes we looked at and some conclusions from the whole fair. Were you there? What were your conclusions?

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Caravans up and roaming charges cancelled

It was Monday again and time for our regular travel news, FREEDOMtravel News. Today we can, among other things, report that caravan sales are expected to rise in 2019 and that Telenor removes roaming charges in several countries. Tomorrow we will return with reports from Elmia Husvagn Husbil 2018. Don't miss it!

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Boatvan - both caravan and boat in one

Have you ever wondered whether you should invest in a caravan or a boat? Then why not get a boatvan? Then you get both in one! Upplands Bil & Fritidscenter showed this unusual amphibious caravan at the Caravan Stockholm fair, and we wanted to take a closer look.

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2-storey caravan, cheap airlines and driverless planes

Now we're back at home and it's business as usual on Mondays. FREEDOMtravel News. It's really fun to go through the harvest of press releases and see what's been happening in the travel and camping world lately. Today we can report on Kabe's new 2-storey caravan, which airlines are the cheapest, etc. actually and the future of aviation - will it be driverless?

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3 nice caravans at Caravan Stockholm 2017

Ok, then we drive and Peter drives today. Today we will look at 3 nice caravans from the fair and in 360 photo of course. The camera that I have borrowed from Nikon is really effective when I shoot this way. For the first time, we can see an overall perspective in a motorhome, caravan, boat or house. Stay tuned!

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Expert guidance among caravans at the Elmia fair

We don't know much about caravans and therefore find it a bit difficult to report on caravans at the Elmia fair. But yesterday we were guided by caravan expert Johan Persson, who runs the caravan blog Caravanum and also writes for the magazine Allt om Husvagn och Camping. Join us for a guided tour of the new caravans!

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Guest of the week: Johan Persson, caravan enthusiast

Johan Persson is only 23 years old, but is already a full-fledged expert on caravans and mobile homes. He lives in a caravan, works for a caravan company and writes about caravans for both a magazine and a web portal. He also runs the blog Caravanum, where he writes enthusiastically and knowledgeably about caravans and motorhomes.

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What is the difference between a motorhome and a caravan?

For those of us who have a mobile home, it is quite obvious that there is a difference between a motorhome and a caravan. But the fact is that people who don't have a motorhome or caravan often say the wrong thing, as if it's more or less the same thing. And it's not uncommon for me to be asked "But what's the difference between a motorhome and a caravan?". So I thought we should clear this up once and for all ...

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Guest of the week: Camilla Gunnarsson, winter camper

Camilla Gunnarsson often goes camping in her caravan with her husband Anders and 13-year-olds Matilda and Anton. But their favourite season is not summer, but winter! You might think that Camilla and her family are "those people who have always gone winter camping and skiing", but that's not the case at all. On the contrary, Camilla has seen herself as a person who "can't learn to ski and hates being in the forest".

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Caravans of the future in Qatar

Swedish company Alde is sponsoring a unique project in Qatar to create the caravans of the future. Matt Attenborough and Qatar University are behind the project. The next generation caravan will have modern design, intelligent technology and... Alde's heating system.

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