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Böda camping - the reality show


Nowadays they make reality programmes about ... everything. Every Monday at 20:00, Channel 5 shows the soap opera Böda Camping. The programme follows both the "Böda Beer Bodys" in the "slum area" of the campsite and the orderly campers on "Paradgatan". But in our multimedia society, this is not enough.

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Eroticism in a motorhome - try a romantic motorhome weekend


Katerina Jonouch gives tips in Expressen on how to keep the erotic summer feeling. She thinks you should spice up your sex life by going on a romantic trip, for example in a motorhome. She writes: "Motorhomes - the freedom to go wherever you want and camp on a beach. Could be your best holiday memories ever". And of course we agree!

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How do YOU want to live your life?


A palliative care nurse asked dying patients what they regret in life, and shares her experience. The most common response was: "I wish I had the courage to live a life honest with myself, not the life others expected of me".

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We are part of Amelia Summer


We have been caught with a picture and report in a magazine again. This time it is the magazine Amelia Sommar. The report is part of a larger report called "Folkligt, festligt, fullsatt", which is about Swedes' desire to live a little more easier, little more crowded and a little more genuine in the summer.

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Wintering in southern latitudes with a motorhome


We often hear about people rolling away with their motorhomes to more southern latitudes when it gets dark and cold in Sweden. These are people (pensioners) who choose to play migratory birds and spend the cold season in, for example, Spain or Portugal.

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Celebrities' motorhomes


We've read many times that Lasse Holm loves travelling in his camper van. But there are other celebrities who enjoy travelling in a motorhome! Today we tell you about the celebrities' motorhomes.

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Motorhome through Russia - is it possible?


Can you travel through Russia by motorhome? We've been wanting to take our motorhome east to Russia for a long time. So we were very enthusiastic when we saw that the latest issue of Caravanbladet, the Caravan Club's member magazine, featured a report on a motorhome trip to Murmansk.

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Motorhome just for the elderly?


Are motorhomes only for the elderly? If you look through the windscreen of some motorhomes, you can pretty quickly conclude that the average age of motorhome owners is relatively, how should we say, respectable... We think that all 60+ people who take the chance, now that the children have left home, to become nomads and see the world with a motorhome are cool and do the right thing. But ... are there no young people with motorhomes?

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Living in a motorhome - how does it work?


Living in a motorhome, how does it work? We've barely thought about it, but we love our motorhome, so why not? We've read about a couple who have given up their apartment and are planning to live in their campervan, and it's clear that the wheels are turning.

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The key is to take advantage while you can


It's important to take the opportunity to do what you want while you can and are healthy. My colleagues told me yesterday about friends who have had the misfortune to fall ill. Young and middle-aged people who have been affected by various forms of cancer or other diseases. There is really nothing that can be taken for granted and one should not take life or health for granted.

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