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The world's best beer - is it in Belgium?

Where can you find the best beer in the world? Could it be in Belgium? When you're in Belgium, you should definitely try Belgian beer. There are lots of different types of beer here, including top-fermented beer, Trappist beer and fruit beer. One beer you'll see in many places is 'Leffe', but there are also many other, perhaps more exciting, varieties to try.

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Malaysian food in Malaysia - our experiences

Malaysian food, today it's time to share our experiences! When travelling, it is exciting to try the local cuisine. Malaysia is a multicultural society with food influences from many parts of the world, and as a tourist it was sometimes easiest to find Chinese, Thai or Indian food. But of course, we also found Malaysian dishes.

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McLobster at McDonald's in Canada

McLobster at McDonald's, have you heard of it? We are in Halifax on the east coast of Canada right now, and there seems to be an abundance of lobster. Lobster is served just about everywhere, and McDonald's is no exception. Yesterday we had a McLobster menu for lunch.

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Fish and seafood in Halifax, Canada

We've had a lot of seafood in Halifax, here in Canada. This is a city on the coast, so perhaps it is not so strange that there is plenty of fish here. As you walk along the quayside, you pass one fish restaurant after another. Both the ingredients and the way they are served are slightly different from what you are used to from Sweden and Europe, but it's good!

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Kenyan food - our experiences

We will try to tell you a bit about the food in Kenya. We have eaten at the homes of friends of friends in Nairobi, in a home in the countryside and a few times in eating places outside. Everyone has been generous and hospitable, and we are very grateful for all the meals we have shared. Culturally, it's been interesting, and here's the our experiences:

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