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Recipes for fish - 18 fish dishes we like

Fish recipes! If you follow our blog, you know that we love fish and seafood. Today, we're sharing recipes for 18 favourite fish dishes. We hope you find some inspiration. Feel free to contribute your best tips and fish recipes too!

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New Year's food - what is traditional to eat on New Year's Eve?

What is New Year's food? And what is traditional to eat on New Year's Eve? We've done some research and looked at recipes, and found a bunch of dishes that are common for New Year's Eve. Now we're curious to know - what will be on your New Year's Eve plate tonight?

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Eating sea urchin - how do you do it and what does it taste like?

Can you eat sea urchin, you might ask. Yes you can! We have just tried sea urchin for the first time, which was an interesting experience. Here are our top tips for those who want to try sea urchin too.

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Filleting perch - Peter's tips and best recipes

Can you fillet perch? I can't (Helena), but luckily Peter is an ace at handling fish in the kitchen. Perch is a "Swedish precious" that many Swedes catch at the piers, and is one of our absolute favourites. Eating perch feels luxurious in many ways. It's relatively expensive, it takes a little extra time in the kitchen, and it's delicious. Today we are sharing Peter's best recipe for perch.

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Warming soups in the winter darkness

Today there will be recipes for warming soups here on the blog. I (Helena) have been sick for a few days and we have hardly been outside the houseboat. Peter has had to take care of his sick person and then he has made soup for me. So today we offer soup recipes!

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Luxurious banquet - canapés and scallops

Finally Happy Friday again! There was a really luxurious party here in the houseboat last weekend, and today we take the opportunity to show pictures and recipes. The darkness outside right now feels heavy and we are both very tired. What could be better than good company and good food? Join us on a guided tour through last weekend's dinner party!

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6-course festive dinner - what can go wrong?

By the time you read this, we have already organised our 6-course banquet. However, as I write - we still have it ahead of us. On Saturday evening we have invited Peter's brother Micke and his wife Nilla and our friends Lennart and Beata. Peter has planned a six-course dinner, accompanied by various drinks. Here's a description of the dishes and preparations - we'll report on how it went later!

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Cooking fish - 7 days a week

Can you really cook fish for dinner seven days a week? Peter offers me fantastic dinners every day, and right now it's pretty much all fish. We really love fish and it is a raw material that can be varied endlessly. Today we are simply offering photos and inspiration for more fish dinners. Do you usually cook fish, and if so, what kind of dishes?

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Oysters for dinner - and other festivities

It was Friday again and time for "Happy Friday". This really IS a Happy Friday for us, because tonight it's time for one of the biggest events of the year for travel bloggers: Nordic Travel Blog Summer party. We will of course tell you more as soon as we can! For now, we can tell you about last weekend's oyster feast and this week's newspaper report.

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Luxury canapés for the party

Yesterday, when I came home from work, I thought that Peter would offer me a "normal" Friday dinner. Maybe salmon or cod or chicken or something like that. Talk about getting a surprise! When I stepped into the houseboat, luxurious canapés were laid out all over the table, and Peter was busy opening a bottle of cava ...

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