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Heavy nails in the houseboat

The houseboat is originally from the 1930s and has been remodelled a number of times. So different parts have a different number of years behind them. Some parts are quite modern while others make you think you are on a historical tour of the Regalskeppet Vasa or something.

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Caring for a steel hull

The houseboat was on land in 2012, when the previous owner had the hull blasted and painted. In other words, the board the hull should be fine, but it doesn't seem to be. We brought in an expert yesterday who went around the boat and measured the thickness of the paint with different technical devices, which we have never seen before.

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Today the houseboat was lifted

Lifting a houseboat is not something you can do in a flash. In fact, it took almost seven hours. The first few hours were spent locating and disconnecting all the pipes. Since the boat is permanently connected to the water and sewage system, it had to be "unplugged". Then, around lunchtime, it was time to...

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Soon we will lift the houseboat

It's almost time! At the beginning of June, the houseboat will go ashore for five weeks of renovation. The schedule is tight. Already on the first day, scaffolding will be placed around the entire boat.

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Appeal against a building permit

This is so crazy, you just have to hear it! Do you remember that we used to get strange and nasty comments on the blog from a person who calls himself Anders (or sometimes Kalle)? It's one thing to get boring comments online. When someone tries to interfere in your life for real, it's another thing ...

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Large floor in the houseboat

Now we have demolished and removed the top layer of flooring in the living room and got down to the real the floor. And now we're talking real floorboards! In the past, things were done properly, you could say.

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Thinnest insulation ... ever

We are demolishing the interior walls of the houseboat's living room. The interesting thing about demolition is that it reveals some of the history of the boat: how it was built and how it may have looked in the past. Many different types of wood and colours emerge. And sometimes you get a bit of a shock.

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An accident rarely comes alone

As some of you have noticed, we've had a bit of a rough time lately: broken sewer, migraines, cold nights and complicated tax returns ... An accident rarely comes alone, as the saying goes. And there seems to be no end to the accidents really yet.

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The new colour of the houseboat

Now I have painted the first piece with the new colour! The houseboat will be light grey (a shade called sea mist) and all the linings will be white. While I was painting the lining and walls, Peter demolished the old deck and continued to sand and paint the deck.

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Outdoor work on the houseboat

Today the weather has been fantastic. Perfect to take the opportunity to work on the outside of the boat! I have painted the linings of the small windows on the lower deck, on one side of the boat.

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