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Pandanon Island in the Philippines - village and dreamy beaches


Pandanon Island in the Philippines is a small island with a village at one end and a dreamy beach at the other. The two parts of the island are connected by a narrow tongue of land, which is flooded by the sea during high tide.

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Djibouti - or Aunt Anna travelling to the moon


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

The idea wasn't Djibouti at all, it was Eritrea, but after far too much trouble with a covid-closed country and difficulties in obtaining sensible information, I gave up, booked a trip to the Seychelles, but didn't see myself fitting in there between smirking honeymooners.  

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Himokilan Island in the Philippines - cave and encounters with the locals


Himokilan, or Himoquitan as it is sometimes spelled, is one of four Philippine islands known collectively as the 'Cuatro Islas'. Here you can, among other things, hike through the forest to a cave with bats. We were also lucky enough to be invited to a local birthday party.

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Digyo Island in the Philippines - in the Cuatro Islas archipelago


The island of Digyo is one of four Philippine islands collectively known as "Cuatro Islas" (Four Islands). This is a beautiful little island with fine sandy beaches, tall palm trees, charming summer huts for rent and a small shop.

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Moheli in Comoros - a destination with a difference


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

Moheli aka Mwali is the smallest of the Comoros islands, at 213 km2 (think the size of Orust) it is barely discernible on the map. Fomboni is the main town. The flight takes 20 minutes from Moroni to Fomboni, the procedure with papers and stamps takes place once more and if the infrastructure was poor on the main island, it is completely lacking here.  

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Apid Island in the Philippines - a small island where few tourists find it


The island of Apid is one of four Philippine islands known collectively as 'Cuatro Islas', or 'Four Islands'. The islands are relatively close to the large island of Leyte and we went here during our boat trip in the Philippines. The first of the four islands for us was the island of Apid.

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Discover the world on your own - visit exciting countries this summer!


You may not always have someone who can or wants to travel at the same time as you, but that doesn't have to stop you. Discovering the world on your own is a very rewarding experience and there are many exciting countries to visit.

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Things to do in Malapascua, Philippines - 12 tips


What to see and do in Malapascua, Philippines? Malapascua is a small and stunningly beautiful island, perfect for a great holiday with sun, swimming, snorkelling and diving. Here are our top tips on what to see and do in Malapascua!

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Pacijan Island in the Philippines - beautiful Camotes Islands


Pacijan Island is a beautiful island in the Camotes Islands in the Philippines. Here you'll find Santiago Beach and the city of San Francisco, as well as a bunch of cool caves.

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Tulang Diot in the Philippines - a cosy little island


Tulang Diot is a cosy little island in the Philippines, located in a municipality with the surprising name of San Francisco. The island is not large, but has a popular beach where you can sunbathe and swim, or perhaps camp.

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