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Comoros - the unknown islands


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

Hand on heart, do you know where the Comoros are? Or the Perfume Islands? The Moon Islands?

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Kalanggaman in the Philippines - an island paradise


Kalanggaman is an island paradise in the Philippines, with white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and swaying palm trees. This is an uninhabited small island where you can make day trips from Malapascua or Leyte. For us, this was one of our first stops during our boat trip in the Philippines.

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Tabango on Leyte Island - island hopping in the Philippines


Tabango is a small town in the Philippines located on the island of Leyte. This was our first stop on our island trip in the Philippines, which started on the island of Malapascua. Here there was shopping, but also a visit to a Filipino family because one of the guys on board, Aldrin, has his mother here.

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Save thousands when travelling abroad next time.


Today we present a guest article

The ticket is booked during low season or a travel company sale and you found the best accommodation at the lowest price using travel comparison sites. Congratulations, you will be travelling again soon! We'd like to point out that there are still thousands of dollars to be saved.

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Departure with Dotche - now the boat trip in the Philippines begins


Now it is finally time for departure with the boat Dotche, which means that we start our great adventure with a boat trip in the Philippines. We leave today, and if everything goes as planned, we will travel around the islands of the Philippines for a month and a half.

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History and natural beauty in Oman


Guest writer: Jonathan Gharbi de Maré

Oman is one of the countries few people know about even if they have visited the neighbouring United Arab Emirates and other countries in the Gulf. The country is not really known for anything special and the name doesn't really stick when you read it so it's easy to forget about it just like Slovenia or Armenia.

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Some observations and reflections from the Philippines


Today we wanted to offer some observations and reflections from the Philippines. We've talked about beaches, snorkelling, fishing, restaurants and things like that, but now we thought we'd talk about some more everyday things that we come across and reflect on.

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Restaurants in Malapascua in the Philippines - 7 tips


Restaurants in Malapascua we can tell you about today. We have eaten at some nice places by the beaches and many simple places with lower prices. Here you can see a little more about the food on the island of Malapascua in the Philippines.

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Snorkelling at Malapascua in the Philippines - a wonderful trip


Now we've tried snorkelling on Malapascua in the Philippines, we can see why this island is popular with divers and snorkellers alike. The water is crystal clear and there is a fantastic variety of wildlife below the surface.

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Bogo on Cebu Island in the Philippines - a shopping trip


Bogo is a city located on the island of Cebu in the Philippines. It's the closest major city to the small island of Malapascua, which is why we came here one day to go shopping. On the list was everything we needed for the upcoming adventurous boat trip around the islands of the Philippines.

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