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Experiences in Kenya - more than just beaches and safaris


We have been to Kenya twice. The first time (2007) we backpacked to Nairobi and took a train to Mombasa. The second time (2012) we travelled with a friend from Kenya and experienced everything from a traditional wedding with 400 guests to a remote rural village without electricity or running water.

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SAS new aircraft with internet


Ok, here we go and it's not Friday, but Peter at the controls anyway. I was at an event about the new SAS aircraft Airbus A320 Neo and it was not difficult to "find Nemo", I mean Neo. SAS is investing heavily in a new aircraft fleet, the first of 30 and there will be a lot of new planes in the future. Free bus from the city centre, check. Free coffee, check. Free food, check. Cold as hell in the hall, check and a very nice plane, check. Follow me.

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Lots of travel inspiration at the Senior Fair in Stockholm


Last Thursday, Peter visited the Senior Fair at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö. We had heard that many exhibitors in travel & tourism would be there and of course wanted to check the situation. And yes, many travel destinations were there!

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Travellers' craziest customer service questions


Online travel agency eBeach has delved into its customer service archives and identified the most unusual - and funniest - requests from Swedish travellers, according to a press release. It can't be easy being in customer service, I think ... What would you say if you were asked these questions?

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Autumn's cheapest big cities


Are you keen to travel this autumn? Maybe a weekend or a slightly longer trip to one of the cheapest big cities this autumn? FOREX has just presented an up-to-date city index, with prices in relation to prices in Stockholm. We present which cities you should visit if you want to live, eat and shop cheaply this autumn.

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What is most important when choosing a hotel?


A while ago, travel blogger Come fly with me a hotel challenge. What is most important when choosing a hotel? We'll tell you what we think and hope to hear your views!

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Guest of the Week: Katarina Söderberg, passionate about school projects in the Philippines


Katarina Söderberg currently lives in Norrland, but spent many years on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. During her years in the Philippines, she saw that many of the children in the village were not attending school because the families could not afford it, and decided to do something about the situation.

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How to afford to travel - follow these 10 steps if you want to travel (more)


"How can you afford to travel so much?" It's a question that travel bloggers (and other keen travellers) are often asked. We've travelled a lot ourselves and talk a lot with other experienced travellers. Based on these experiences, we now present 10 steps for those who want to travel (more).

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Guest of the Week: Marie Hagén, expatriate in New Zealand


Marie Hagén and her husband have always enjoyed travelling and have long dreamed of living abroad, preferably in an exotic country. About six months ago, they moved from Sweden to New Zealand with their 6-year-old son Caesar. The family now lives in Auckland, where the husband has a job and the son has started primary school.

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Summer travel destinations: 10 hot up-and-comers


Many destinations are popular year after year, but there are also "bubblers", i.e. new destinations that suddenly become hot. Ticket Privatresor presents the ten destinations that are increasing the most in percentage terms of the destinations that are in places 11-100 of the Swedes' most booked destinations this summer.

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