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KLM: The Orange Experience


When the Dutch celebrate 'Kings Day', there is a huge street party. Ten American winners of a competition organised by KLM and Heineken were treated to the experience in Amsterdam.

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KLM's new comfortable business class


Being able to lie down and sleep during a long flight - wouldn't that be great? KLM has recently introduced a new comfortable business class with fully reclining seats, and when they present the news, they do it so that it is noticeable!

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20 places to see before you die


The Huffington Post has listed 20 places to see before you die. "Pick one or pick them all - you can't go wrong" they write. We have visited four of the places so far (marked in bold). Have you visited any of them?

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The future of travelling - almost here


In the future, we will be able to hear and feel the destination from the comfort of our sofa, and a digital travelling companion in our wristband will help us book the trip. This is revealed in Skyscanner's new report. And perhaps the future is not so far away...

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Kepulauan Gili - paradise islands a stone's throw from Bali


FREEDOMtravel is today hosted by Henrik Ulleryd who runs Balance sheet experts and organises trips to Bali and the surrounding area. Here is an inspiring post about the Gili Islands, which belong to Lombok and are easily accessible from the coast of Bali.

Warm rays of sunshine seeping through the curtains and exotic birdsong bring a smile to your face, and when breakfast is accompanied by freshly squeezed coconut juice, watermelon and pineapple, it's hard to keep yourself from pinching your arm. Welcome to Gili Kepulauan.

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Top 10: Risk of natural disasters


In which cities are you most likely to be affected by natural disasters? The insurance company Swiss Re has found out, according to Dagens Industri. After studying 616 cities, Swiss Re came up with the following top list.

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Moroccan crafts - argan oil, carpets and ceramics


If you are interested in crafts, there is a lot to see and shop for in Morocco. We visited several production sites for Moroccan handicrafts, including various women's co-operatives.

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Moroccan food - our experiences from Morocco


Moroccan food is rich in both colour and aroma. Generally speaking, you are usually served one of two dishes: couscous or the Moroccan stew tagine. These in turn can be varied endlessly! In addition, Moroccan cuisine offers delicious salads and vegetable dishes, fantastic bread, juicy fruits and, of course, sweet Moroccan tea.

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Sahara - luxury camping and camels in the desert


Wow, what a trip to the desert we have experienced! We travelled from Zagora straight into the Sahara, not far from the border with Algeria. Hour after hour through three types of desert: sand, rock and what is neither one nor the other, but perhaps the bottom of a dry lake. Sometimes a few acacia trees, a bunch of dromedaries on a hike or a few French tourists on a motorbike or on foot.

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Over the Atlas Mountains in Morocco


Today we have experienced the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. After five hours with Norwegian we landed today in a sunny and warm Marrakech. There we met the Norwegian organisers and two drivers from Sahara Experience. And then we set off on a long car journey over the Atlas Mountains and inland.

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