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Welcome to Doha, Qatar


FREEDOMtravel is hosted by Anna, who lives in Doha, Qatar, and runs the wonderful blog 

I live in Qatar and most of the time nobody knows where it is. Is it Dubai? Is it a country? Do you have to wear a burka? Football fans often know because Qatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup. Apparently, someone at FIFA missed the fact that it gets 50 degrees in the summer. But Qatar has several ideas to solve the problem.

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An introduction to Sri Lanka


Guest article by Viktor, on Serendip Travels

Sri Lanka is a small island south-west of India with about 20 million inhabitants. The country is not very big - the area is about twice the size of Småland. In this post, I want to tell you about some of the highlights, as well as some more exotic, lesser-known experiences.

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Cheapest destinations in Europe


Going on holiday in Europe this summer and want to stay on budget? Choose countries and cities where prices are low! Here are the cheapest countries and cities in Europe according to the Forex holiday index (Feb 2013) and the city index (March 2013).

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Las Vegas - more than just gambling!


FREEDOMtravel invited by the Vegas Blog

More and more Swedes are travelling to the US and one destination where many make a quick visit is Las Vegas. But why just stay for a few days? I'll tell you a bit about how much there is to do in Las Vegas and why one or two weeks is almost the minimum to do it all.

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Travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway


In 2006, we travelled on the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Beijing, via Mongolia. What a journey! We didn't have a blog at the time, but we have many memories. Every now and then we get questions about the trip, so we thought we'd tell you a bit more about it. After all, it's one of our coolest trips ever!

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Travel tips for everyone - according to Lonely Planet


What do you want to do on holiday? Experience nature, have fun... or just relax? Depending on your preferences, here are some tips from Lonely Planet's Traveller's Choice. The top spot among all countries was unexpectedly given to Bhutan - which I'm sure is beautiful, but at least I don't know much about it... What do you want to do on your holiday? Here you can find destination tips!

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Remaining trends in 2013 - according to the Travel Barometer


The Swedes' desire to travel is increasing and this summer's favourite destination is Croatia. This is shown when Resia presents the Travel Barometer. They also present this summer's four travel trends. What do you think about them? Do you recognise yourself?

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Ski tours in Eastern Europe


Do you choose sunshine holidays or skiing trips during the winter months? Or maybe both? And where do you go when you want to ski? "We usually prioritise sunshine or visits to big cities, but at Christmas 2008 we took a skiing week in Sälen. We had fantastic luck with the weather and it was really nice on the slopes!

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Malaysian food in Malaysia - our experiences


Malaysian food, today it's time to share our experiences! When travelling, it is exciting to try the local cuisine. Malaysia is a multicultural society with food influences from many parts of the world, and as a tourist it was sometimes easiest to find Chinese, Thai or Indian food. But of course, we also found Malaysian dishes.

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La Pari-Pari - cosy hotel in Langkawi


We have now checked out of La Pari-Pari, our cosy hotel on Langkawi. Right now we are sitting in the restaurant and spending a few hours with a cold fruit drink, before it is time to go to the airport and continue towards Kuala Lumpur. It will be exciting to see the capital, but we will really miss this hotel and the staff here!

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