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New season - new tyres?

Maybe new tyres for spring? Soon the motorhome season will be here. Many of us will be cleaning and refurbishing our motorhomes so that they are nice and tidy for spring and summer. And sure, we take good care of our vehicles - especially on the inside - but how well do we look after our tyres?

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Fire extinguishers in place

We now have two new fire extinguishers, a small black one by the front door and a large white one on the lower deck. You hope that you will never have to use them, but it feels important to have them just in case. And since they are going to hang there anyway, it doesn't matter if they are a little nicer.

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Insuring a houseboat

Insuring this boat and our accommodation has not been easy ... We have talked to so many insurance companies, and most of them laugh or reply that it is impossible to insure a houseboat. So far we have managed to take out insurance, but it has not been easy.

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The world's most honest city

Reporters at Reader's Digest "dropped" 192 wallets in 16 cities around the world to see what happened. The wallets included a name with a mobile phone number, a family photo and $50 worth of cash. The result?

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Are you properly insured when travelling?

In many cases, home insurance is actually sufficient for travelling. Home insurance is valid for 45 days and usually covers delays due to strikes or technical faults, damage to checked-in luggage, hospitalisation costs, repatriation, theft, robbery and assault.

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Film on LPG safety

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has produced a film on LPG safety in motorhomes and caravans. They write: "Keep in mind that it is no longer compulsory to have a LPG inspection when you inspect your vehicle. It is up to you to take responsibility for ensuring that your LPG installation is tight and safe. Many inspection centres offer leak testing."

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Dangerous journeys

When people ask if it's not dangerous to travel there, I usually answer that it's dangerous to live. There are risks everywhere, but if you are not reckless, travelling is usually not overly dangerous. However, some destinations can be more dangerous than others.

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Avoid fines on car holidays

It's hard to keep track of traffic rules in all the different European countries, and if you're unlucky you can be fined heavily. Aftonbladet warns of the biggest risks. We summarise them below. Have you ever been fined while driving abroad?

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Is your travel insurance valid?

Getting travel insurance before you go on an adventure is a good idea - but does it apply when you need it? We've tried to find out when home insurance is enough, and when you actually need travel insurance too. Plus, we found a list of 10 things that make your travel insurance invalid.

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Don't travel here in 2012 - 10 dangerous places

People often talk about inspiring places to travel to, but there are also places where you shouldn't go because of war, violence or political instability. We present the places you shouldn't go!

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