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Low-security airlines

As many as 300 airlines have been blacklisted by the EU due to poor safety and are not allowed to fly in Europe. Most of the blacklisted airlines are in Africa, but some are also in countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia. Sure, you may be uncomfortable for a while when flying, but you don't want them to compromise on safety...

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Wave of campervan thefts

We have recently read about two similar campervan thefts. Both cases involve young "nice" couples renting a motorhome, but then not returning the motorhome.

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Europe trembles under terrorist threats

The newspaper Aftonbladet reports that the travel advice in Europe has changed due to the terrorist threat. There is no advice against travelling, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for "increased vigilance and general caution". The greatest risk is said to be in the UK, France, Belgium, Italy and Denmark. The heightened threat appears to be well founded, and Europe is trembling.

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Theft or grand theft in a motorhome?

Civilian police officers have arrested a campervan thief in Lund, according to Skånskan. The prosecution wanted the man to be convicted of aggravated theft because he had broken into mobile homes, which are considered homes. However, the district court did not think that mobile homes can be compared to a permanent residence and therefore the man was only sentenced for theft.

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Compare motorhome insurance

Do you have good motorhome insurance? Are you paying the right price? We think we pay quite a lot, but is it more or less than what others pay? I found a website where you can compare different insurance policies.

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10 tips for safer travelling

Aftonbladet's reporter experienced what is perhaps the most worrying aspect of travelling - being robbed. He has now put together a list of 10 tips to reduce the risk of getting into trouble. We think the tips are good and actually follow most of them. It's that jewellery thing, though ...

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Online travel lottery - watch out!

Have you come across messages on the Internet congratulating you on winning a trip? You might not think that you can be scammed by an online travel lottery, but maybe it can happen ...

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How often are air accidents 'close'?

Flying is supposed to be very safe, but sometimes I can't help but wonder. Both DN and Aftonbladet report today on a Jas plane that in 2007 was a few seconds away from colliding with a passenger plane.

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How crashworthy is a motorhome?

One thing we've talked about a lot is motorhome safety. How crashworthy is a motorhome really? Passenger cars are often marketed with arguments like "world-class safety". But do you ever hear that kind of sales pitch about motorhomes?

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Alarm from the motorhome via SMS

We have both door alarms and motion alarms in our motorhome. But if you park your car in a lonely spot, what good is it when the alarm goes off? We have often thought that it would be good if we could get an alarm from the motorhome to our mobile phone.

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