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Avoid mice in your motorhome

We've heard some horror stories about people getting mice into their motorhome while it was stored over the winter. The mice have then chewed up electrical wiring and other things, so that the car does not work ...

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Motorhome through Russia - is it possible?

Can you travel through Russia by motorhome? We've been wanting to take our motorhome east to Russia for a long time. So we were very enthusiastic when we saw that the latest issue of Caravanbladet, the Caravan Club's member magazine, featured a report on a motorhome trip to Murmansk.

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Swine flu - is it safe to travel?

DN today published an extensive report on swine flu. The report was mainly about who should foot the bill when Sweden plans to mass vaccinate the population. Should it be the state or the county council, or should the population pay a certain amount themselves?

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European trip 2009

The trip around Europe can be summarised as enormous fun. There was never a time when we were unsafe, for any robbery or the like. It seemed almost ridiculous that we installed a safe, but this is done so that there is not even a small risk of losing our passports, for example. The only time we showed them was when we were going home on the ferry between Poland and Sweden. There are no borders left, you hardly know when you enter a new country.

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Safe in the motorhome

Now we have prepared for our trip to Europe with a safe in the motorhome! It can be good to have a place where you can store passports, ferry tickets, extra credit cards and other things that you care about and don't want to lose. Now that we have a safe in the motorhome, we feel much safer.

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Is flying that safe?

Yes, it has happened again. A large passenger plane has crashed and lots of people have lost their lives. But is flying as safe as they say it is? What do the statistics and logic say?

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Travelling is dangerous

Travelling is dangerous. It is also dangerous to live, but perhaps even more dangerous to travel. There are some dangers abroad that don't exist at home: wars, volcanoes, Vietnamese mopeds, crocodiles ...

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