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Loket in Czech Republic - castle with friendly dragon

In co-operation with Czech Tourism

We visited the towns of Becov nad Teplou and Loket, both in the Karlovy Vary region, west of Prague. We have found a treasure, a dragon and a castle in the Czech Republic. Follow us to two small but exciting places! By the way, some scenes from the James Bond film Casino Royal were also filmed here...

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Neuzelle Abbey in eastern Germany - stunning baroque architecture

We have now visited Neuzelle Abbey in eastern Germany. You don't have to be interested in churches to be fascinated by the impressive baroque architecture of the monastery. Right next door is a monastery brewery, so we got some monastery brew as well ...

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Potsdam in Germany - and Sanssouci Castle

Potsdam in Germany and Sanssouci Palace offered a positive surprise. Potsdam has buildings inspired by Italy, Russia, China, Scotland and the Netherlands. Among other things. In a way, it feels like the whole world is here. In fact, Potsdam is a bit like a Disney town, except that it's real. Most fascinating of all is Sanssouci Palace!

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Oranienburg, Germany - and Oranienburg Castle

We have continued with the motorhome to Oranienburg and Oranienburg Castle, just north of Berlin. Here we found above all a beautiful castle and a nice castle park, but also a really good parking space for motorhomes. At the risk of repeating ourselves - Germany is good at caravan parks!

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Kilkenny is more than beer - rain and castles in Kilkenny

Kilkenny is not just beer! Kilkenny is also a medieval Irish town with a beautiful castle. We have now travelled almost all of Ireland by motorhome. Join us for the final leg, to a fascinating old monastic village and to Northern Ireland's capital Belfast. But first - a visit to a castle in Kilkenny!

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Rock of Cashel - The Royal Rock of Cashel in Ireland

The Rock of Cashel, or Cashel of the Kings, is a historic site in County Tipperary, Ireland. The Royal Rock of Cashel in Ireland is home to the very a lot of history. Among other things, the High Kings of Munster hung here and St Patrick himself came here. And the very first version of Guinness was brewed here.

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Blarney Castle in Cork, Ireland - kissing the Blarney stone

Blarney Castle in Ireland is located just outside the city of Cork. As well as visiting the castle itself and kissing "The Blarney Stone", you can walk around the extensive gardens, which include mysterious stone formations and a poisonous garden. This castle has everything a real castle should have!

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Kylemore Abbey in Ireland - a sad story

We have visited Kylemore Abbey in Ireland. This beautiful white building, located on the west coast of Ireland, is now a monastery and until recently was also a school. Originally a gift of love, this castle has a beautiful and sad history.

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Winterfell - visiting Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland

We have continued northwards along the coast of Northern Ireland, passing one view more beautiful than the other. The houses are quaintly cute, the nature is intensely green and just everywhere we see sheep and hear birds chirping. This green island is a fairytale in itself, but yesterday we decided to visit the fairytale town of Winterfell, which is actually a location in the TV series Game of Thrones. The fact that many scenes were shot here in Northern Ireland is not hard to understand!

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8 cool castles and fortresses in Europe

Yesterday our blog colleague Lena, with the blog Ladies Abroad, presented her favourite castles and palaces in Europe. We're also fans of grandiose buildings, and were keen to present our favourite castles and palaces in Europe. Have you seen any of these impressive buildings? Or do you have more tips for cool castles in Europe?

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