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Social media 2025 - 6 reflections


How will we use social media in 2025, and how will it affect us? It is of course very different. For us personally, social media play a relatively important role, and are thus a source of both joy and irritation. Today we share some reflections...

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How to fact-check - distinguish true from false online!


In today's society, we are inundated with information from all sides. It can come from newspapers, social media, political groups with specific agendas, for-profit companies or even robots.

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Blogger, writer, influencer or creator?


Blogger, writer, influencer or creator? Who is what and does it even matter? Since we're in the 'business', we've been thinking about these questions...

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Will Facebook and Instagram die? (And what will replace them?)


Will Facebook and Instagram die? And if so, what will replace them? Social media, and our relationship with it, has changed over the years and sometimes you can't help but wonder what will happen ...

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Swedes and the internet - new report and our thoughts on it


Recently, the 2022 version of the report "Swedes and the Internet" was released by the Swedish Internet Foundation. This report is always interesting to us, who work with a digital magazine and social media. We present some excerpts from the report, as well as our thoughts on this.

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5 thoughts on blogs and social media


We continue to travel with the motorhome along the Swedish west coast, and we'll tell you more about that soon. But first, some thoughts on blogging and social media. Happy Friday!

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Flight shame and corona shame - some thoughts on shaming


Flight shame and coronavirus shame - the last two or three years have been the year of shame. While there is some merit in the fact that we humans feel shame sometimes, we now wonder if shame has gone one step too far.

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Why so much hate on the internet?


Why so much hate on the internet? We have asked ourselves this question many times recently. Why do people have to add mockery and abuse to their comments, and why do they express themselves differently behind the computer than in real life? How do you think?

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Popular on Instagram - we checked our statistics


What is popular on Instagram? What kind of pictures do people want to see? It depends a lot on who your followers are, and we decided to see what our followers like. The result was partly expected ... and partly quite unexpected!

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Do people read blogs in 2019? - about Swedes and the internet


This year's edition of the 'Swedes and the Internet' report makes for interesting reading. Most Swedes think that digitalisation makes life easier, while some think it makes life more complicated. But what has really happened to the use of social media? And do people read blogs in 2019?

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