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Czech food - 20 dishes and drinks from the Czech Republic


Czech food - what is it like? This summer we visited the Czech Republic again, for perhaps the 20th time. The Czech Republic is one of our favourite countries in Europe and we also like its food. Here you will find 20 dishes, sweets and drinks that you can try while travelling in the Czech Republic.

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What to eat in Croatia? - 20 Croatian specialities


What to eat in Croatia? We list 20 Croatian specialities and share our experiences with Croatian food. You can find everything from grilled fish and lamb to truffles and local cheeses. Join us for a taste of Croatia!

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Hungarian food - 22 specialities of Hungarian cuisine


What exactly is Hungarian food? Hungarian cuisine is known for its spicy and rich goulash, but you'll find many other exciting dishes as well. Hungary is also a wine country and a country that loves sweet pastries.

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What do you eat in Iceland? - 15 Icelandic specialities


What do you actually eat in Iceland? We list 15 Icelandic specialities and share our experiences with Icelandic food. In Iceland, you can find everything from sheep meat to fresh seafood. Join us for a taste of Iceland!

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Food in Sri Lanka - more than rice and curry


Today's blog is about food in Sri Lanka. We have travelled around Sri Lanka for two weeks and have tried both this and that. Here we have now collected our experiences and experiences of Sri Lankan food.

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Albanian meze - Many small dishes


Albanian meze - what is it? We're currently staying at a campsite in Shkodra on Lake Shkodra in Albania, where we tried Albanian meze at the campsite's restaurant. In other words, Albanian small dishes. Good and interesting!

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Food and culture in North Macedonia


The food and culture in North Macedonia is very exciting and so different from what we have in the rest of Europe. There was no end to the hospitality during our visit to North Macedonia. Kicevo, and as several readers guessed, we stayed for a while... After I had tried the Albanian festive clothing we learned that in the evening we were invited to a fish restaurant!

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Food in Albania - 22 Albanian specialities


Food in Albania, what does it taste like? And what does Albanian food mean? We've travelled by campervan along the coast, tried a bunch of restaurants and shopped in supermarkets and markets. Now we can share our experiences with Albanian food in Albania.

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Polish food - specialities of Polish cuisine


Polish food, what is it? We don't often talk about Polish cuisine ... so what kind of food do you get in Poland? First of all, it can be said that the food is hefty. If you go into a restaurant, you never have to leave hungry. We go through soups, meat, fish, pastries, sweets and some drinks. Join us!

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Malaysian food in Malaysia - our experiences


Writer: Helena Bergström

Malaysian food, today it's time to share our experiences! When travelling, it is exciting to try the local cuisine. Malaysia is a multicultural society with food influences from many parts of the world, and as a tourist it was sometimes easiest to find Chinese, Thai or Indian food. But of course, we also found Malaysian dishes.

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